“When I met with Aprelle, she was an extremely compassionate, gentle, and wise healer. I almost felt more like I was with a teacher who was showing me how to understand myself. She was honest with me about where I was out of balance, and some impressions she had of what I needed to do to heal and rebalance--and most importantly to reconnect with my joy. Learning truths about myself that I had ignored or buried at the bottom of my priorities was pivotal for my shift into my next steps.

Truthfully, everything she said to me was immediately familiar. She put names to feelings I'd been carrying around with me for literal years, and her advice felt right. After my treatment with Aprelle, I slept very well, and noted that I felt lighter and that some of the blocks I was feeling toward changing my pandemic habits and ingrained responses have shifted. She gave me permission to prioritize my healing over all things at this moment, noting that it would make me more able to be present with my family and career

-Noell, Seattle

Aprelle is one of the most kind and genuine people I’ve ever met. She is so generous with her time and knowledge and is always willing to listen - and listen deeply. As a healer, I’ve been so amazed at her ability to tune in so quickly and clearly, and provide support and guidance on so many levels during the session and provide other helpful suggestions to take with me for afterward.

She was able to very quickly - in the very first session - acknowledge the 3 aspects that I’ve been trying to work on for last several months, and I was able to see shifts by the end of the session itself - and this was all possible even in a virtual session.

I highly encourage anyone interested in healing and energetic realms to talk with Aprelle. Working with her and knowing her has certainly made a huge impact on my life.

-Madhu, Denver

“Aprelle is amazing. I've referred her to all of my friends who are open to energetic healing / reading / guidance. The first time I went to Aprelle for reiki, 5 years ago, I was so stressed out and anxious I could barely breathe. I will forever remember the healing she brought me in that moment- I left feeling calm, grounded, and collected and able to breathe fully again. She helped me so much in my moment of distress, in this significant moment in my life.

Aprelle has helped me many times since then; I've gone to seek her help/healing (in moments that are much less extreme than that first time... ) and she's helped me to get grounded and centered and helped me find the next best step for me in that moment. I always leave feeling like I have intuitive insight that I didn't have before, things are clearer, and I usually have a new practice to try out and use in my own life moving forward."

-Sarah, Missoula

Our Time together will be

  • Personalized

    Each session is dedicated to your desired focus and always incudes energy healing to boost health and well-being in all areas of your life.

  • Integrative

    To ensure your success in moving towards your goals, I’ll be guiding you toward other helpful practices and tool such as meditation with specific exercises, breath work, and more.

How you’ll feel….

overall elevated state of well-being, awake with clarity, a sense of purpose enveloped in a feeling of calm.


Does energy healing really work virtually?

Yes! Everything is energy and energy is every where. Virtual sessions are super effective and can be done via phone or Zoom.

how do i prepare for a virtual energy healing & intuitive guidance session?

In preparing for an energy healing & intuitive guidance session, make sure you are in a comfortable and quiet room where you will not be disturbed. Remember this time is for you to break away from the busy day-to-day schedule and do something sacred and healing for your mind and body. If you prefer quiet music in the background, feel free to find soothing music to play while we work together. You may also want to have a journal and pen handy to take down any notes.

Once we connect, you can lay down or remain sitting up, which ever feels most nurturing. During the session, you may notice different sensations, such as hot or cold, tingling, energetic movements in the body, or emotional fluctuations. You may also feel deeply relaxed and calm. The energy healing always goes where it is needed most in the body. 

are virtual sessions recorded?

Yes! I will ask if you want the session recorded, I will send you a link in a follow up email after our time together.

how do i prepare for an in person session?

Please dress comfortably, as all sessions you will remain fully clothed and resting on a massage table. During the energy sessions, sound and vibrational healing is an option, so dress in an outfit that is free of buttons and zippers as much as possible.

any other in person reminders about covid?

My goal is to keep both of us safe. With the nature of these healing sessions, it is impossible for us to remain 6 feet apart, therefore it is imperative that both parties follow the guidelines. If you feel feverish, have lost your taste or smell, have a cough, or shortness of breath, please cancel your appointment as soon as possible