illuminate your purpose

An Exclusive 3 Session Package Offer

If you are feeling at a crossroads about your career and purpose in life, this package is for you!

This 3 session package is to gain clarity about your purpose and learn about where you may need to shift and lean into your souls desires to create a life in flow. We will uncover what your soul would like you to fulfill in this lifetime and how that plays a role in your passions and desires. You will come away with lots of information to help guide you on your next steps in life.

Session 1: Energy Healing & Intuitive Guidance - We will begin our time together to discover and review your physical, mental, and emotional priorities, what you may unconsciously be holding on that needs releasing, and any other concern that is top of mind. By the end of the session, you will be energetically rebalanced feeling peaceful and relaxed as well as come away with insights to begin your integration process. (session duration: 1 hour)

Session 2: Fundamentals of Your Astrology Chart - Our next session will be to review insights and key themes about your soul's purpose and journey to provide further revelation about ways to shift, perceive and move towards those goals. Requirements for this session are your birthdate, exact time of birth (taken from birth certificate preferably) and location of birth. After the session, you will be emailed a document that includes your birth chart and overview notes. (session duration: 1 hour)

Session 3: Akashic Records Reading - Now that you have current energetic priorities, a look at your With the information you have already received, we will dive in to your Akashic Records to reveal answers about your soul's journey. Bring 5 - 7 questions with you to the session. More information about the questions to bring can be found on this page. (session duration: 45 minutes)

Book your first session here and links to book your following two sessions will be in the confirmation email.

Illuminating your Purpose Package 3 session price = $500

I have had the pleasure of working with Aprelle many times now. She is an incredibly gifted healer and a natural teacher. I'm always learning from her. She holds a safe space and is so sweet and compassionate. Her intuition is always spot on. Her energy healing and channeling was very accurate and insightful  and helped me recognize the root of a long term pattern I was trying to change. Then, Aprelle did an astrology reading for me that blew me away with how accurate it was even with little nuances and things I was currently experiencing in my body it also helped me understand so much about myself. Wrapping up the package was her Akashic Record Reading which was amazing for guidance and clarity. I highly recommend working with her!”

— Katy, Toronto, Canada